Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Update 25 weeks 6 days

  1. How far along?: 25 weeks 6 days
  2. How big is baby?: He now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches
  3.  Weight gain?: around 13 pounds
  4. Stretch marks?: None
  5. Maternity clothes?: I'm still wearing my normal clothes as much as i can.  Maternity either make me feel huge, or aren't cute
  6. Sleep?: I've been sleeping pretty good lately. 
  7. Best moment this week?: 1 week ago at my 24 week appt they moved my due date to September 1st, which would have made me 24 weeks 6 days.
  8. Food cravings?: I really like Mexican food, but i don't think any major cravings. 
  9. Symptoms?: Some BH
  10. Exercise?: walking with hubby and Rylie as much as possible.
  11. Gender?: He's all Boy!
  12. Movement?: all the time mostly in the morning and evenings.  Lately he's been dancing on my bladder.
  13. Belly button?: still in, but getting closer
  14. What I miss?: social activities with friends and drinks.
  15. Labor signs?: WAY to early for this!
  16. What I'm looking forward to?: This weekend we are taking the niece and nephew to the zoo : )  That should be a ton of fun!
Here's 24/25 weeks:

25 weeks 6 days.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Update : ) 23 weeks!

This morning we went to the Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist to have our 2nd level ultrasound of baby boy because of the CPC that was found at Anatomy Scan at 18 weeks.  The nurse initially came in and took my blood pressure (which was sky high), she knew that I was nervous though.  Then the Specialist came in and did the whole ultrasound himself, which was so nice because he was able to tell us exactly what we were seeing as we looked at the screen.  Almost immediately he informed us that the CPC was gone!!!  He still went over everything in depth hands, feet, spine, heart, kidneys, brain, etc and everything and all looks perfectly healthy.  Baby is measuring exactly 1 week ahead still and he said he weighed approx 1 pound 7 ounces already!  After the scan he sat down and talked to us and told me that if I were his daughter that he wouldn’t worried, he believes we have a perfectly healthy baby boy.  He also stated that he was 99% positive that baby doesn’t have Trisomy 18.  Woo Hoo I’m so relieved.  They then again checked my BP and it was still high 130/78, but had come down quite a bit so they weren’t concerned.  On the way home I kept sighing huge sighs of relief, I’m so thankful for a healthy baby.  I feel like so much weight has been lifted off my chest. 
Here’s a picture of my perfect little angel:
Picture of gender, He is  defn a Boy : ) (Hubby is so proud he wanted to hang this picture in his office..I of course told him no ;))
Also, here’s my 23 week bump pic taken this morning:)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

22 weeks

  1. How far along?: 22 weeks
  2. How big is baby?: At 11 inches (the length of a spaghetti squash) and almost 1 pound, your baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn.
  3.  Weight gain?: 11 pds
  4. Stretch marks?: None
  5. Maternity clothes?: I'm still in the majority of my regular clothes, but i do have a few items that are maternity.
  6. Sleep?: I've been sleeping pretty good lately.  Crazy dreams though :)
  7. Best moment this week?: picking up Baby E's crib last night, so exciting.  I'm also looking forward to mothers day this weekend as well!
  8. Food cravings?: Mexican
  9. Symptoms?: I've had a few BH contractions, but since i've increased my water intake i've been feeling pretty great.
  10. Exercise?: we've been walking as often as we can.  We both went and bought new shoes last night,c ant' wait to try them out tonight!
  11. Gender?: It's a BOY! : ) I'm so excited!
  12. Movement?: Yes, this little guy is a mover.  Last week at my appt LO was even kicking the doppler in the nurses hand.  She commented even on how active he is.  I love feeling him, it's such a wonderful feeling to feel so connnected.  I love him so much already!!
  13. Belly button?: It's a lot more shallow than what it used to be, but still has a ways to go.
  14. What I miss?: Nothing, i'm very content.
  15. Labor signs?: WAY to early for this!
  16. What I'm looking forward to?: The appt with the specialist 1 week from today.  Hopefully all of our worries will be put to a stop.  I can't wait to see him again :)  I could watch the screen for hours!
Here's a picture from this morning (not the best):

A little Behind...Here's an update

Wow I’m a little behind!  After the Ultrasound i went back 2 weeks later for my regular OB check up and to go over the Ultrasound findings.  I had called a week earlier and was told everything looked good, so i wasn't really worried about it.  When i got to the appt my PCP didn't realize that i had even had my ultrasound already, even though he referred me to have one done.  He went and got the report and sat down, then he said "OH yeah i do remember reading this and there was something i wanted to go over with you."  But it's nothing concerning the baby.  Then i hear this, during the ultrasound they found out that he Baby E has a 5mm Choroid Plexus Cyst on the left side of his brain. I guess 1-3% of all pregnancies have these and they usually end up going away on their own later in pregnancy. It is however a soft marker for Trisomy 18, which is super scary. I was originally seeing my family doctor for care, but after finding this out we switched to an OB. I went in for my 1st OB visit last week and they are sending me to have a 2nd level ultrasound 1 week from today at a Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist. Scary, but the more I’ve talked about it to ppl and the more i research, the more i find out how common it is. My family doctor actually completely blew it off and told me not to worry about it, but that's hard not to worry. So, I’m anxiously awaiting next Wednesday morning and praying for the best. Ryan and i were so upset at first, but after gaining more knowledge on this type of cyst we are trying to stay optimistic.  So, i guess this is why I’ve been away for so long.  We are moving forward though with the planning process, it's so much fun!  Last weekend we painted the nursery.  We had originally painted the room a beige color on 2 of the walls and red on the other 2, it was our first paint job so we wanted to be creative :)  My mom came to help me paint this time and it was so much fun.  It took us several hours, but here are some pictures of before and after :)

I'm so excited with how well it turned out.  Now that we have the room paitned, it officially feels like Baby E's room!  I have been going in there so much lately and just sitting and daydreaming of what life will be like once he has arrived :)  I'm so very excited.
Oh..Here is the 20 and 21 week Belly Pic:
20 weeks (1/2 way there)

Here's 21:

Monday, April 11, 2011

Gender Reveal- It's a Boy!

I had my Anatomy Scan on Friday and we found out if baby was a boy/Girl!  Last week i seen that someone put either blue or pink peeps inside of Easter eggs to reveal gender.  I thought that this was a great idea since Easter is only a couple weeks away...  So, this morning i used the idea to reveal the gender at work!
Check it out:
The Basket

It's a BOY!!!

I'm so in Love!  Seeing him again for the 2nd time was nothing short of amazing.  He was moving all over the place and there was no denying that he was a boy.  I'm so excited to know who's growing in my Belly!! :)  DH was beyond excited that he got his boy and we were both very excited that he's super healthy!.  He's measuring over a week ahead still, which would put us at the very end of August beginning of September.  Here's a few pictures of Easton Ryan :

Thursday, April 7, 2011

18 weeks 1 day

  1. How far along?: 18 weeks 1 day
  2. How big is baby?: Head to rump, your baby is about 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and he weighs almost 7 ounces.
  3.  Weight gain?: around 9 pounds
  4. Stretch marks?: None
  5. Maternity clothes?: I'm still wearing my normal clothes, but they are getting snug.  I'm goign shopping Saturday to get a few maternity items.
  6. Sleep?: I've been sleeping pretty good lately.  I'm going to the chiropractor 3 times per week and that seems to be really helping.  
  7. Best moment this week?: well the best moment will be tomorrow, our anatomy scan is scheduled at 4pm!!!
  8. Food cravings?: None
  9. Symptoms?: RLP and shortness of breath.
  10. Exercise?: finally back on track with the gym and walking a lot. 
  11. Gender?: I keep changing my mind.  Hopefully we will know tomorrow.
  12. Movement?: not yet, but can't wait!
  13. Belly button?: hasn't changed
  14. What I miss?: social activities with friends and drinks.
  15. Labor signs?: WAY to early for this!
  16. What I'm looking forward to?: The anatomy scan tomorrow!! Yippee i get to see my baby agin :)
17 week picture
18 Week picture

Friday, March 25, 2011

16 Weeks

  1. How far along?: 16weeks 2 days per LMP, 17 weeks 2 days per Ultrasound 
  2. How big is baby?:  Right now, he's about the size of an avocado: 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces
  3. Weight gain?: around 7 pounds
  4. Stretch marks?: None
  5. Maternity clothes?: I'm still wearing my normal clothes, but use my belly band quite a bit now.
  6. Sleep?: I've been sleeping awesome this week.  The last couple have been rough with back pains, so it's nice to actually sleep good again.   
  7. Best moment this week?: OB appt on 3/22.  We got to schedule our Anatomy Scan.  2 weeks from today : ) We'll hopefully be finding out if LO is a Boy or a Girl!!
  8. Food cravings?: No cravings really. 
  9. Symptoms?: Round ligament pain..Ouch!  It doesn't hurt near as bad now that i know what to expect though.
  10. Exercise?: Lots of walking! 
    DH and i take our puppy for a 2.5 mile walk any chance we get. 
  11. Gender?: Everyone is saying boy.  Except my mom and niece.  I would prefer a boy first, but really want a girl next.  We are only planning on having 2 children, so i will be excited with whatever we get :)
  12. Movement?: not yet, but can't wait!
  13. Belly button?: hasn't changed
  14. What I miss?: Beer.  DH had one last night and it smelled so good!
  15. Labor signs?: WAY to early for this!
  16. What I'm looking forward to?: The anatomy scan in 2 weeks.. So excited to know who this LO is in my belly.  Is it Leightyn Nichole or Easton Ryan...
Picture taken at 16 weeks 0 days (Baby is defn. starting to make his/her appearance:)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

14 weeks


  1. How far along?: 14 weeks  
  2. How big is baby?:  The size of a lemon about 3 1/2 inches
  3. Weight gain?: 5ish pds i think  
  4. Stretch marks?: None
  5. Maternity clothes?: I'm still wearing my normal clothes, but things are getting tighter.
  6. Sleep?: I've been having some neck and shoulder issues this week.  I wake up in the middle of the night with horrible aches and pains.  I have a chiropractor appt on Friday, lets hope that helps out. 
  7. Best moment this week?: My bump is finally starting to grow, makes me feel so much closer to the baby.
  8. Food cravings?: No cravings really. 
  9. Symptoms?: Sleepiness seems to finally be going away.  Just aches and pains.   
  10. Exercise?: DH, Puppy and I have been walking a lot.  IT's great to get out and get some fresh air.
  11. Gender?: I've been saying this LO was a boy all along, however the other night i had a dream he/she was a little girl.  In the dream we were at my BFF Jackie's wedding and the little girl was dressed in this super cute little dress and matching headband.  We shall see. : )
  12. Movement?: too early
  13. Belly button?: hasn't changed
  14. What I miss?: normal sleep
  15. Labor signs?: WAY to early for this!
  16. What I'm looking forward to?: Vegas in April!!!  and our anatomy scan : )  WE will be scheduling that in 2 weeks at our next Dr. appt.  Can't wait : )
This picture was taken today at 14 weeks 0 days! : )

Friday, February 25, 2011

12 weeks

  1. How far along?: 12 weeks 2 days per LMP, 13 weeks 2 days per Ultrasound 
  2. How big is baby?:  Still the size of a Lime/Lemon
  3. Weight gain?: around 3.5 pounds
  4. Stretch marks?: None
  5. Maternity clothes?: I'm still wearing my normal clothes.  My bloat has finally went down so things have actually started fitting better again :)
  6. Sleep?: I've been waking up in the middle of the night around 2 or 3 and laying there for a while before falling back asleep this week.   
  7. Best moment this week?: Having an ultrasound and seeing my baby finally.  I wasn't supposed to have one until 20 weeks, but Dr. couldn't find the HB at my 12 week appointment so he got a little concerned.  BAbies HB is strong at 162 and he or she is growing perfectly :) 
  8. Food cravings?: No cravings really.  I've been eating a lot of mexican foods lately though. 
  9. Symptoms?: still super sleepy.
  10. Exercise?: Blah how depressing.  I haven't been to the gym in 3 weeks because i'm so tired all the time.  I have however went for walks outside whenever it is nice enough.  I have major spring fever and want to be outside as much as possible. 
  11. Gender?: I don't know really, i'm back and forth.  Now though i've noticed and others have too that when i refer to the baby i say him.  So who knows...what that means.  I will feel really bad if this LO is a girl and keep saying him. : )  Should know in another 5-8 weeks..cna't wait!
  12. Movement?: too early
  13. Belly button?: hasn't changed
  14. What I miss?: Working out and having energy
  15. Labor signs?: WAY to early for this!
  16. What I'm looking forward to?: My hair appointment next Thursday to get my hair highlighted.  This is the longest i've went without doing something to my hair.  I can't wait.  Also, looking forward to having a slumber party with my almost 4 year old niece tomorrow. 
  17. 11 weeks 5 days! 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

There really is a Baby in there..

So, yesterday I went to my first OB appt that was actually scheduled with my Dr.  They of course started out by weighing me, checking BP, pulse, going over blood work, and doing an overally OB physical.  Then it was time for the Dr. to try to find the heartbeat.  Dr went and got DH from the waiting room and proceeded to find the HB.  After searching for what seemed like an eternity, he said “ well this happens to me once or twice per year, but I can’t find the heartbeat.  So I'm going to be sending you immediately for an ultrasound.  He said, “a lot of times they will find the heartbeat right away, but there is a chance you could have miscarried and the baby just hasn’t passed yet.”  He wanted to make sure i knew worst case scenario.
Nore:  I purchased my own at home Doppler after contemplating back and forth for weeks.  I received it last Friday night and have found the heartbeat on my own several times.   I did not however tell Dr. this.  So, I was still a little bit worried about him not being able to find it but reassured that I was able to locate it on my own.
So, I went for an ultrasound they did both the external and internal ultrasound and picked up a heartbeat of 162 immediately.  Amazing!!  It was so cool to see on the screen, but crazy to know that this little bean is really inside of me .  Here’s the pictures: 

Amazing!!  You can see 5 little fingers, spinal cord, the brain forming and even a little button nose. He/She couldn't be more perfect : ) 

Monday, February 7, 2011

  1. How far along?: 9 weeks 5 days
  2. How big is baby?: According to What to Expect When You’re Expecting: The size of green olive, but will be the size of a prune in a few days.
  3. Weight gain?: My weight has been fluctuating a ton and i've stopped (tried to) to stop weighing my self all the time.  I did weigh myself this morning and i'm up 3lbs
  4. Stretch marks?: Hopefully never
  5. Maternity clothes?: I'm still wearing all my clothes, however some are getting tighter :)
  6. Sleep?: I've had a cold this weekend, so i haven't been sleeping the best.  Usually i have no problem in the sleep department though.
  7. Best moment this week?: The weekend and spending time with amazing friends.
  8. Food cravings?: I haven't had any realy cravings lately.
  9. Symptoms?: This past week i've been super tired, breast tenderness, bloating and constipation. 
  10. Exercise?: I've boycotted the gym for the last week since i've been so tired.  Usually i go 4-6 times per week. I'm hoping to get back on track today.
  11. Gender?: We have a very strong feeling that LO is a boy.  So much a feeling that we have stopped trying to pick a girls name.  WE shall see in another 10 weeks.
  12. Movement?: too early
  13. Belly button?: hasn't changed
  14. What I miss?: My hardcore workouts, but i'd choose my little bean over it anyday.
  15. Labor signs?: WAY to early for this!
  16. What I'm looking forward to?: Wednesday because i will be 1/4 of the way through pregnancy. 

Monday, January 31, 2011

My First Belly Pic - 8wks 4 days

Well, I've finally decided to take a picture of my growing belly.  This was taken yesterday at 8 weeks 4 days, still showing some bloat but not the extreme that i was seeing. 

Hubby and I had one of the best weekends we've had in a while.  Friday night we went and visited Ryan's brother and sister in law and their 2 boys.  It was great to see them, Liam is our newest nephew he's 3 months old already and growing like a weed.  The rest of the weekend we just relaxed and enjoyed each others company.  The only time we ventured out of the house was Saturday to go get Rylie some puppy food and to visit the dog park and yesterday to take her for a walk.  Yes our fur babies are very spoiled.  I will have to post pictures of them soon.  We have Rylie who  will be 2 in May, she's a Golden Retriever.  Then there is Lexus, who is our little princess.  She's a Persian cat and will be 5 in April.  It'll be interesting to see how they adapt to a new baby in the house. 

Friday, January 28, 2011

8 weeks

How far along? 8Weeks
Weight gain/loss: My weight has been fluctuating like crazy.  I've gained between 2 -3 pds so far I think.
Maternity clothes? Hopefully not for a very long time yet ;)
Stretch marks? too early
Sleep? I haven't had any trouble sleeping so far.  I'm usually ready for bed by 8pm, just exhausted in the evenings.
Best moment this week? My husband trying to convince me that it is ok to gain weight and to stop obsessing about the scale.  He's always said that pregnant women are not attractive.  So i was a little worried, but last night he told me that i was his pregnant lady and he would always find me attractive! aww love him.
Symptoms: Bloat has been crazy this week.  One lady from work actually thought i was showing already.  I've also had some heartburn and have been burping a lot this week.  Burping has been something that i've never done much of so this is very new to me.
Food cravings: actually haven't had any real cravings this week.  I've just been super hungry.
Gender: We have another 12 weeks till we will find out.  Hubby thinks boy, my niece Aubree and mother think girl.  I really do not know :)  
Belly button in or out? In hasn't changed yet.
Movement? not yet
What I miss? cold lunch meat.  It's just not the same warmed up.
What I'm looking forward to: Hearing this little ones heartbeat on February 22nd!!  25 days away.
Milestones: Hitting 8 weeks on Wednesday.  I actually finally feel like things are progressing.  Only 4 more weeks till 2nd Tri!

Welcome to my life~

Hey all, my name is Bridget and i just turned 28(1/24).  I am a very happily married women, to an amazing man named Ryan who just turned 31 (1/4).  We have been together 4 years and were just married July 24, 2010.  We are expecting our first baby in early September, EDD September 7, 2011.  We couldn't be more excited.  Our baby is 8 weeks and 2 days along today and i am amazed at how much love i already have for this little life.  Let this mark the beginning of my official journey through life, pregnancy and motherhood.