Thursday, April 7, 2011

18 weeks 1 day

  1. How far along?: 18 weeks 1 day
  2. How big is baby?: Head to rump, your baby is about 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and he weighs almost 7 ounces.
  3.  Weight gain?: around 9 pounds
  4. Stretch marks?: None
  5. Maternity clothes?: I'm still wearing my normal clothes, but they are getting snug.  I'm goign shopping Saturday to get a few maternity items.
  6. Sleep?: I've been sleeping pretty good lately.  I'm going to the chiropractor 3 times per week and that seems to be really helping.  
  7. Best moment this week?: well the best moment will be tomorrow, our anatomy scan is scheduled at 4pm!!!
  8. Food cravings?: None
  9. Symptoms?: RLP and shortness of breath.
  10. Exercise?: finally back on track with the gym and walking a lot. 
  11. Gender?: I keep changing my mind.  Hopefully we will know tomorrow.
  12. Movement?: not yet, but can't wait!
  13. Belly button?: hasn't changed
  14. What I miss?: social activities with friends and drinks.
  15. Labor signs?: WAY to early for this!
  16. What I'm looking forward to?: The anatomy scan tomorrow!! Yippee i get to see my baby agin :)
17 week picture
18 Week picture

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