Wednesday, May 4, 2011

22 weeks

  1. How far along?: 22 weeks
  2. How big is baby?: At 11 inches (the length of a spaghetti squash) and almost 1 pound, your baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn.
  3.  Weight gain?: 11 pds
  4. Stretch marks?: None
  5. Maternity clothes?: I'm still in the majority of my regular clothes, but i do have a few items that are maternity.
  6. Sleep?: I've been sleeping pretty good lately.  Crazy dreams though :)
  7. Best moment this week?: picking up Baby E's crib last night, so exciting.  I'm also looking forward to mothers day this weekend as well!
  8. Food cravings?: Mexican
  9. Symptoms?: I've had a few BH contractions, but since i've increased my water intake i've been feeling pretty great.
  10. Exercise?: we've been walking as often as we can.  We both went and bought new shoes last night,c ant' wait to try them out tonight!
  11. Gender?: It's a BOY! : ) I'm so excited!
  12. Movement?: Yes, this little guy is a mover.  Last week at my appt LO was even kicking the doppler in the nurses hand.  She commented even on how active he is.  I love feeling him, it's such a wonderful feeling to feel so connnected.  I love him so much already!!
  13. Belly button?: It's a lot more shallow than what it used to be, but still has a ways to go.
  14. What I miss?: Nothing, i'm very content.
  15. Labor signs?: WAY to early for this!
  16. What I'm looking forward to?: The appt with the specialist 1 week from today.  Hopefully all of our worries will be put to a stop.  I can't wait to see him again :)  I could watch the screen for hours!
Here's a picture from this morning (not the best):

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